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UPMC Women’s Recovery Center

The UPMC Women’s Recovery Center is an outpatient program for women with substance use disorders who are pregnant or who have children. The center offers prenatal care, medication-assisted treatment with buprenorphine, counseling through UPMC Western Behavioral Health at Safe Harbor, and mobile case management to help meet social service needs.

AA Meetings (Alcoholics Anonymous)

With this AA meeting directory, you can find AA meetings in Pennsylvania and elsewhere. It is regularly updated, so please feel free to bookmark this page.

Find AA meetings near me.

NA Meetings (Narcotics Anonymous)

Use this website to locate meetings near you. Meeting schedules can periodically change.

Find NA meetings near me.

Naloxone/Narcan Resources

If you are a person who uses drugs or around people who use drugs, please consider learning how to respond to an opioid overdose and carrying naloxone (intranasal brand name: Narcan). Naloxone is a medication designed to reverse an opioid overdose.

Drug Take-Back Locations

Unused prescription drugs find their way into the wrong hands. Help keep your community and loved ones safe by discarding old, unwanted, or unused prescription medication.

Find a drug take-back location near me.

Infectious Disease Prevention Resources

Using drugs may alter judgment and lower inhibitions. Risky behaviors can transmit infectious diseases like HIV, Hepatitis C, and infective endocarditis.

Talk to your healthcare provider or call PA Thrive for confidential screening and treatment at 814-454-3811.

Recovery is Community NWPA Grants

A grant Consortium implementing projects through the Rural Communities Opioid Response Program (RCORP) to increase access to evidence-based treatment, prevention, and recovery supports for families struggling with substance use.

Learn about Recovery is Community NWPA.